~Alien Virus Animated Adventure by FUNSOFT Reviewed by Lu Richardson ------------------------- Yes, we've been there before. We've been in a space station, minding our own business, looking for somebody, and suddenly we realise something funny is going on; and you can bet your moustache something dire will happen unless we intervene with our usual flair. We have also seen the interface: USE, TAKE, OPEN and CLOSE, and make do with that. It's yet another one of those jobs in which you have to swing the cursor carefully over the whole screen; and you know, don't you, that you aren't going to spot something or other which you will need 24 rooms further on. Ah, but have you ever seen such pretty graphics? Really, each scenario is so beautifully depicted, you could easily miss that vital item. You'll just stand there saying "Oh, Ah!". And as for the cinematic sequences, why, it's well worth getting killed just to see them. But don't ask me about the sounds. Please, don't. Just imagine you hear the doors open and shut, and broken cables sparking, etc., and leave it turned off. Trust me on this. The noises will irritate you to death! So, what we have here is yet another CD adventure, somewhat long, with interesting puzzles, to be sure, and novel and visually pleasing ways of solving them, though some are quite illogical: but, really, the only outstanding thing about it are the graphics. Apart from that, nothing exceptional in the way of adventuring. Furthermore, this game suffers from a major flaw, and that is orientation. You never know in which direction you are going! Sadly, it does not generate that urge to go on. No matter how good it looks, there just have to be better ways of spending your money.